Skin Detox or Cleanse? Pick the Right One for You!

25 Feb 2022
Skin Detox or Cleanse? Pick the Right One for You!

Are social media and the internet your go-to skin-care help guide? Well then, you might be in a constant state of confusion & dilemma. While the words detox and cleanse are often used interchangeably, they are different processes for your skin nourishment, both happening in different parts of your body but with a common focus!  With high levels of pollution, unhealthy life choices and the abundance of simple, easy and temporary skincare hacks… your skin is prone to piling up toxins! You read that right! But wondering about which way to go to cleanse or detoxify? We are here to make that choice easier for you.

Detoxing is more stricter, long-term & comprehensive as a process! It’s goals include weight loss, eliminating toxins and better overall health whereas a Skin Cleansing is more like an everyday milder detoxification! The goal of cleansing is to give your body a rest from having to digest heavily processed foods and it’s main purpose is to improve gut health, for eg. a cleanse diet which can last anywhere between a few days to a couple of months! A cleanse happens in the gut and it is for a short period of time and works great before a detox. A detox happens in the whole body, pulls toxins from cells, extends for a longer duration and works best after a cleanse.

Your body is a naturally detox cleansing machine, but with unhealthy foods and poor environmental conditions, its ability to nourish itself reduces with time. However, there are many signs that your body gives you when you need a cleanse like: bloating, body ache, depression, bad breath and excessive gas! Some simple ways to cleanse your skin is drinking ample amounts of water & eating clean, whole foods, with high fibrous content! 

Think of a detox as changing your old habits! It requires you to give your body necessary support, time and patience. Air pollutants, unhealthy habits like smoking & drinking, junk food etc. all lead to the accumulation of harmful chemicals and toxins in your body & soon make your life worse, as they start manifesting on your skin in forms of acne breakouts, dehydration and dull skin! Signs your body needs a detox from inside out include stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, eczema and difficulty in losing weight. Drinking filtered water, using natural herbs like Green Tea, eating anti-inflammatory foods and consuming vital vitamins and minerals can be useful! 

Many times, what you might need could be a detox for your face skin or a body detox for your skin problems! While the world is rushing towards more organic and natural skin products, our range of Green Tea Face Care is something you’d be hooked on, right from the first use! Loved by many caffeinators, our Green Tea Skin Care hydrates, detoxifies & soothes skin. The Green Tea Face Serum, for instance, provides 72 Hours of ultimate skin hydration!

Although both skin detox and cleanse are important for your body, remember that out in the market, there are excessive money making ventures and fad diets that might end up costing you a bomb and compromise on your over all health and fitness! From time to time, keep in mind your ability and body energy, make the right lifestyle choices and reap overall long term benefits, thus manifesting in a nourished and healthy skin! Whether a detox or cleanse, pick the best for you and your skin.

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